Hard to believe it is spring already! This year we have started with a refocus for our students and it has been exciting to see the response so far. In January, we started our Wednesdays with a series called “Hold Out or Sold Out” where we encouraged the group to be sold out in their faith and challenged them with our mission in the Student Ministry: to lead students to IMITATE Christ and INFLUENCE the world.
Everything that we do in this ministry goes through this filter. Are our events and meetings helping us Imitate and Influence? Are we giving students what they need to be able to Imitate and Influence? We hope that our answer is yes.
We’ve also expanded our leadership base within our Youth Staff. These dedicated leaders spend time helping students in so many ways and it has been so great to see them taking ownership. Matt Tucker, Brendon Hanna and Tricia Elliott have all stepped up and taught a Wednesday night study this year. They are also all home group leaders for our high school students. We appreciate all that these leaders do and I hope you do to.
March is big for our student ministry with a big event and registration opening for another. We are hosting our first Girls Conference, the “Beautiful You” weekend. Tricia is coordinating this event that will be March 22-23 and we are very excited about. This is open for all girls in sixth to twelfth grades and the cost is just $20 for the whole weekend.
We have also opened up registration for summer camp, which is our biggest event of the year for our students. Information and registration for that event is available by CLICKING HERE.
Our March 2014 Parent newsletter is available for you to view as well by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you for your support in this busy time. Please be praying for the Beautiful You conference and for our Wednesday night bible study time. In any given month we see around 100 different faces on Wednesday nights – it’s an exciting and fun group. If you have any questions about the student ministry or how to get involved, please feel free to contact us!