We are so excited to share with you some insights from the book of Philippians and know what we discuss in services will be taken to the next level in Home Groups. Starting November 7, 2010 we will launch a new series focusing on 6 key verses from Philippians. You won’t want to miss this series. Make your plans to attend each week of this 6 week series both on Sundays at 9:00am or 10:30am and in Home Groups throughout the week. We are excited to meet you and your family and look forward to having you worship at Pin Oaks!
2 Comment(s)
I appreciate the opportunity to study God’s word on a personal basis with others outside the church building. We are all in a better position to understand the capabilities and needs of others when we meet (and eat) with fellow believers. The close bond that we have formed over the last 12 weeks has been most rewarding. I encourage those who are interested to try more than one group until you find one that is compatible with your needs.
There is a great deal of wisdom in your comment. Thanks for sharing your heart and being willing to lead. I pray others in our community will experience these same blessings in the new season of Home Groups.
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