People of the Rut: Part 2

“Contemporvant Growtivation!” What a buzz. A recent viral video produced and released by NP church has created quite a stir. Blogs and websites around the Christian community are posting off the charts and receiving comments galore. Why all the fuss you ask? Here is why. Watch this quick video and enjoy the tongue in cheek presentation of what happens week in and week out across America and the world in churches…

“Sunday’s Coming” Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.

So, I will chime in with a couple comments of my own since our last post, People of the Rut, hits close to home with this video. First, let me say, I laughed so hard at this video it made me cry. Because it is FUNNY. Yes, I was challenged too…here were some of the things I thought:

What do we do each week, every week, that has great value?
What do we do each week, every week, and no one knows why?
Has the “rut of routine” gotten so deep that all we do is laugh at this video, and miss a greater set of truths?
Have our methods become so predictable and planned that they no longer represent a genuine “effort” on our part?
If I think this represents something true about my church, is there something I need to do correct or fortify our course as a church?

These are the questions I am thinking through and invite you to share your thoughts as well. There will be another post after I have had more time to chew on my own revelations. One thing is for sure, I love our large group gatherings each week and what they do to encourage and push us forward. We are earnestly seeking God and His best through us in reaching others and that is a great foundation…the only foundation…and examining that “base” is a good habit that protects us. Looking forward to your thoughts in the comments…

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