Spending time on the road you get to the point you are very thankful for the vehicle that carries you safely from place to place. In fact, you begin to realize just how critical each part is to the success of your trip. When I think about our church and my last road trip there are some life lessons that come to mind.
While many of us can relate to the idea that Jesus is the power or engine for the work of the church, have you ever thought about the rest of the car? I want to focus on the wheels. In my opinion the wheels are the touch point for our church in its community. They are the means by which the work gets done. This is you and me… the whole family doing their part. It is the fulfillment of Romans 12:4.
Romans 12:4 (ESV) “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function…”
Lifeway and other research groups have studied successful, thriving, growing churches and they all have one thing in common. Many hands accomplishing the work, or mission, of the church. The people in the church feel a strong sense of ownership for the success of the mission. This is where the rubber meets the road! IF we are going to help people meet Jesus and grow in that relationship it takes EVERYONE. Each one of us doing our part.
“The Barna Group suggests the average size of an American church is just 89 adults. 60% of protestant churches have less than 100 adults in attendance. Only 2% of churches have over 1000 adults in attendance.”
Carey Neuwhof pastors one of the fastest growing churches in America said, “Churches don’t grow because they organize. lead, behave and manage like a small organization.” Read an article by Pastor Carey HERE.
This is why we stress volunteerism at Pin Oaks so much. It is why our leadership structure has been morphing this year. When you read the rest of Pastor Carey’s article it is clear the pitfalls to being a successful and growing church are many. But one of the most critical elements is “to make sure all our tires are on the ground.”
There isn’t a single area or ministry in our church that exists just because… each ministry serves to achieve God’s goals and plans for His kingdom in this community. If we can’t help people meet Jesus or grow in that relationship we don’t need to be doing it. We need to quit it. Move on. For God’s sake we need to learn to stop doing what doesn’t work and focus on the things that do.
What is your part? Where can you take ownership in the mission of Pin Oaks? Contact an Elder or pastor today and take that leap… get your tire on the ground and help move us closer to God’s vision for Pin Oaks.